Growth Labs
Kherad Growth Labs provide growth hack knowledge for venture-backed SMEs
Let's GrowTogether
Growth equity funds occupy the space between (and thus complement) venture and buyout investing, providing fast-growing but established businesses with funds and support for a transformational leap in their development.

Growth Lab

Portfolio Business Management
Helping portfolio SMEs to receive Smart Money & needed advices.
Operational Assessment
Strategic monitoring & operational assessment using KPIs in portfolio SMEs

Provide Reports
To provide seasonal & occasional reports on Portfolio SMEs to Kherad CEO & BoD.
Strategic Management
Designing & Reforming of portfolio SMEs’ governance guidelines due to (regarding) Kherad strategic plans
Customer Retention
Consulting & engagement with Portfolio SMEs’ Board members.

Investment Management
Strategic monitoring & operational assessment using KPIs in portfolio SMEs

Value selected SMEs with the help of Kherad’s investment committee, partners & advisors.
Monitors market trends in selected industries to find suitable SMEs for investing
Due Diligence
Performs due diligence in selected SMEs.
Strong Network
Has proper engagements with specialists & advisors in selected industries

Growth Lab
Kherad Growth labs are shared centers providing growth hack knowledge for venture-backed SMEs. They help GP representatives (agents) to implement Kherad methodologies & developed benchmarks. Some of the growth lab services are:
- Modification and revision of product design and product market fit.
- Corporate governance adjustment.
- Sales & marketing modification
- We benefit from international consultants to develop & transformation in our portfolio SMEs.
- Restructuring SME Cost Structure, Financial Department, Profit & Loss Structure.
TMT: 5g, Social Media, Internet of Things, Connected Cars, Digital Twin, Smart City, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Big Data
Energy: Renewable Energy, Smart Grid, Hydrogen Cells, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical & Advanced Materials
Health: Elderly Care (Eldercare), Telemedicine, Smart Hospital, Health Tourism, Online Pharmacies
Fintech: Blockchain, Neo banks, Crypto-currencies, LendTech, Smart Trade
FMCG: IoT Platform, Offline to Online (OtO) Platform, Supply Chain 4.0, Data Driven Distribution
HRTech: Data Driven HR, Employee Experience